Saturday, July 30, 2005

Epiphone Paul McCartney 1964 Texan

texan, originally uploaded by url1.

Paul McCartney worked with Gibson (who owns Epiphone) to develop an recreation of his own '64 Epiphone Texan, which he had used in both the Beatles and Wings.
The first run of 40 were very unique, special guitars; the run was overseen by Macca himself, and the serial #001 and #002 were donated to the Adopt a minefield organization, and were signed by Paul himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if interested, can offer pix of my guitars: a genuine '64 epiphone texan such as paul's, a jimi's woodstock replica '82 strat mij - reversed, a 'pre cbs sunburst strat (mij under a different name) and of course a les paul (std). also vancouver, write to elmaster at shaw.