unpaved roads, a great guitar oriented site just posted that OLGA - the mother of tab sites, and one which a lot of guitarists use - is down. i went to OLGA's site and seems OLGA received a "take down letter from lawyers representing the NMPA and the MPA" (to quote OLGA's own splash page).
the guitar is a unique instrument when it comes to learning to play, most of us learn a chord or two from a friend, and from that point on, we're kinda on our own. sites like OLGA serve an important function; it allows a great avenue for most guitarists to discover chord progressions, song structure, licks, etc on their own, and have certainly been a big part of my growth as a guitarist. OLGA come back!
It surely is a sad thing for guitarists, but if I recall correctly, this kind of legal actions are common practice for lawyers. I really hope to have OLGA back in a few days. Most of the songs I learn nowadays are by ear, but it's nice to have OLGA for a quick check-up.
hey felixe,
absolutely; seems these kind of actions are becoming commonplace, these days. olga's a great site, i'm hoping it's up soon, also!
thks for the comment!
yes, earl I found it sad. music publishers should at least find ways to make tabs cheaper and available to all...they're just too greedy to make money out of everyone.
hi cyberbaguioboy!
yeah, i think they're actually kinda working against themselves. i think tabbing actually creates more interest (or at least helps support interest) in the bands and the songs!
and hey, i read on your blog you're taking a break?
good luck with your courses!
I was very close to getting an eMusic account this morning, in order to get all nice'n'legal, but stunts like this make me realize why I steal music in the first place.
hey a,
thanks for the comment!
i've been searching around today, and found that these types of actions are taking place a lot right now. seems there is a real move on to wipe tab out of the internet. what i'd like to see is actual proof that tab sites cause real damage, because i don't think they do! this seems to me like this is all about control.
Well, it's been a while and it's still closed.
This is sad, and not the kind of S.A.D. that winter brings each year.
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